Mackenzie 1912 Replica


A 4 inch wide drum reel I made for a very close friend.

John Mackenzie


Stage 1

Some original Hardy sand and metal mould cast frames, spools and winding plate blanks

Stage 2

1st Stage of machining a Duralumin frame

Stage 3

Machining the internal diameter and facing off the inside of the casting

Stage 4

Milling the frame windows

Stage 5

Turning and milling operations completed, knurling done and a hand made bearing bush in place. Also filing the pillars to a nice contor

Stage 6

500 grit wet/dry paper giving a nice finish

Stage 7

Turning the inside diameter of the frame

Stage 8

Rough turning of a Duralumin casting to make a spool

Stage 9

At this point I have the spool almost complete. The internal bore is finished as is the 5/16 BSF thread which will match the winding plate spindle

Stage 10

The frame is finished and the ball bearings are in place. I have used masking tape on the inside of the reel and using a pencil I mark out the drilling positions for the check system

Stage 11

The mounting holes have been drilled a taped and I have done the same for the adjusting screw position and the over strap mounting holes

Stage 12

A finished winding plate spindle and a standard Hardy check wheel. The brass plate is 1/16 inch thick and this will become the winding plate

Stage 13

Using a small diameter diamond dremel bit I ground three position on the inside of the check wheel. The wheel is put onto the winding plate spindle and drilled with a tapping size drill to ensure I get a nice hole before tapping the holes

Stage 14

Machining the brass plate to get a round disk for the reels winding plate

Stage 15

Outside diameter done and now machining the inside diameter to suit the reverse end of the winding plate spindle

Stage 16

Trimming the back end of the winding plate spindle

Stage 17

Three parts push fitted together

Stage 18

Using the same tapping drill to make three holes through the winding plate. Then I remove the spindle and check wheel and drill clearance holes in the plate. These holes are then countersunk @ 45 degrees

Stage 19

45 degree screws

Stage 20

The screws locked in place pulling the check wheel assembly tight onto the winding plate

Stage 21

Skimming off the heads of the screws

Stage 22

Skimming off the front of the screws

Stage 23

Dial Test Indicator used to ensure the winding plate assembly is running true in my lathe and then skimming off the edges of the screws that have just gone through the edge of the bearing surface on the winding plate bush

Stage 24

Making the check adjusting screw

Stage 25

The adjusting screw in place with a Turks head locking nut and the adjusting block I had made. This gave the correct position to drill and tap the screw holes for the over strap which can be seen in stage 11

Stage 26

A dry build at this stage of all of these parts i made to make sure the check system works as it should.

Stage 27

Using my home made treppaning cutter to make the recess for the line guide

Stage 28

Recess complete and de-burred and foot fitted

Stage 29

One of my gold plated line guides offered into the recess to confirm the fit

Stage 30

Drilled and tapping the holes to take two threaded pins that keep the line guide in place

Stage 31

A dry fit of the pointed pins

Stage 32

Thread lock to hold the pins in place and these will but cut off and then the ends blended into the contour of the frame

Stage 33

Nickel Silver handle wire

Stage 34

Handle wire, brass cup and a replica ivory winding handle ready to be fitted to the winding plate.

And below a few detailed photos of the finished reel