Black Leading


I have the Hardy acid formula and it was sent to me with one caveat and that is not to share it with anyone. It is still regarded by Hardy’s to be a trade secret. It has been made public in the past by someone else who acquired it by nefarious means and by posting it online demonstrated his total lack of respect for the company. I respect Hardy’s request and will not disclose it and how to use it.

I do offer this service and I am proud to think I know how to use it correctly. I have noted on many forums people stating it should not be used and that a vintage reel should not be tampered with and that the patina on a reel should be left alone. I respect those sentiments and agree with them in most cases but when I come across a reel that has oxidized and is covered in white corroded aluminium dust its clear the reel should be preserved where possible. Hardy invented the formula specifically to preserve their reels and for these reasons I am more than happy to use it if it means a reel can be saved and live on for many more years. 

Stage 1

I have original Hardy Perfect winding plates that have never been used and I can show two examples here. Please note these plates have not been drilled/tapped to take a winding handle. This plate has been written on by a Hardy employee some time in the past and my guess is that the plate was considered to be a reject because there seems to be a circle, scribed in pencil, showing a casting flaw

Stage 2

The underside of the plate starting to oxidize

Stage 3

A quick spin in my lathe using 500 grit wet/dry paper to clean up the plate

Stage 4

As above and cleaning the spindle and bearing surface as well

Stage 5

A very careful application of Hardy’s acid formula and timing for this is critical

Stage 6

Rinsing off the acid which isn’t straight forward and the method is protected by Hardy’s instructions to me

Stage 7

Application of Plumbago and again covered by Hardy’s instructions. This is not as some have suggested powdered graphite. It is more complex than that and it was supplied to me by Hardy’s

Stage 8

The plumbago is removed and the surface polished

Stage 9

The final stage is to apply lacquer. The finish is translucent and any cracks in the plate would be very evident and this also applies to a frame or spool

Stage 10

Here I am showing the second plate I mentioned prior to being cleaned up

Stage 11

Both plates acid etched, black leaded and lacquered. It is a dangerous process because of the chemicals involved and it is also a very dirty process but the end results are very satisfying